






许多技术共有的一个元素是睡眠中断。睡眠中断是在您的正常睡眠期间有意识地醒来并在短时间内(10-60 分钟)入睡的过程。这可以通过使用相对安静的闹钟轻松完成,让您在不完全唤醒您的情况下恢复意识。如果您发现自己在睡眠中按下闹钟,可以将其放在房间的另一侧,迫使您下床将其关闭。其他基于生物节律的选择包括在睡觉前喝大量的液体(特别是水或茶,一种已知的利尿剂),迫使你起床小便。

睡眠中断是 MILD 技术(如下所述)的自然组成部分,它训练您在梦结束后立即起床。





现实检查是一种您可以执行的辨别您是在做梦还是醒着的测试。当您确定自己醒着时进行现实检查可能看起来很奇怪,但是养成进行这些现实检查中的一项或多项的习惯将大大增加您做清醒梦的机率。比如说,如果你每天清醒时都捏着鼻子尝试通过它呼吸几次,那么你很可能会在梦中这样做。而当你在梦中进行现实检查时,当然结果应该会有所不同,在这种情况下,你会发现你以某种方式通过封闭的鼻孔呼吸。你会知道你在做梦,and be able to take lucid control!


可靠 速度 隐蔽 综合 误报 漏报
呼吸 你能用手指紧紧地捂住鼻子和嘴巴呼吸吗? 5 5 3 4.33 - 非常罕见
跳跃 当你跳的时候,你会飘回来吗? 5 5 1 3.67 - 罕见
阅读 阅读时句子会发生变化吗?阅读,转身对自己重复一遍,然后转身再读一遍。这样做两次。 5 4 4 4.33 - 罕见
视力 你有完美的视力吗?这仅适用于在现实世界中视力至少略微模糊的人。或者,如果你在现实世界中有完美的视力,你可能在梦境中有模糊的视力。 4 5 5 4.67 - 经常
您的手是否有奇怪的颜色、过多的手指(有时它们会在您尝试数手指的数量时消失并重新出现!)或其他异常情况?你能把你的手指推过另一只手吗? 4 5 5 4.67 - 偶尔
时间 您的手表或时钟是否显示合理的时间?您可以读取时间吗?有时时钟的指针数量错误或有奇怪的符号。尝试读取时间两次,如上面的阅读检查。注意:数字时钟通常更适合这种现实检查。 4 5 4 4.33 - 偶尔
超能力 你能飞行(只是想象一下)、开锁或使用其他魔法吗?试着改变你的身体形状,或者穿过墙壁、窗户或镜子。 4 5 3 4 - 经常
电灯开关 电灯开关能用吗? 4 3 1 2.67 偶尔 偶尔
镜子 镜子里的你正常吗? 3 3 3 3 - 偶尔
鼻子 你能闭上一只眼睛看到你的鼻子吗? 2 5 5 4 - 罕见
记忆 你能否记得你是怎么到这里的,你为什么在这里以及一小时前发生了什么? 2 3 5 3.33 罕见 经常
身份 你的性别、年龄、工作、人际关系和责任是否和往常一样? 2 3 5 3.33 - 偶尔







  • 现实检查的可靠性指的是,当你在梦中做检查时,你有多大可能认出检查的结果表明你在做梦。它因人而异,但某些现实检查总体上比其他检查更准确。上表中的数字仅为粗略,因人而异。
  • 快速进行现实检查很重要。如果您必须四处寻找一本书或(可能更糟)一面镜子,那会浪费梦的时间。此外,它还可以让您的潜意识有更多时间产生现实生活中的结果,特别是如果您相信检查会产生现实生活中的结果。
  • 第三,现实检查应该是隐蔽的;也就是说,当你在清醒的世界里做这件事时,它不应该引起太多的注意。突然跳到空中或试图穿过墙壁作为现实检查可能会导致很多尴尬!
  • 第四,现实检查不应该有“误报”。当在现实中进行的现实检查显示您在做梦时,就会发生这种情况。当你得到梦的结果时,再做一次现实检查以确保正确性!
  • 最后一个重要的注意事项是现实检查是否应该有“漏报”。当在梦中进行的现实检查显示您在现实中时,这种情况就会发生。如果您认为自己可能在做梦,请继续进行测试,直到证明自己是对的!











另一个解决这个问题的好方法(and a good practice in general)是一次执行两个或三个现实检查。例如,时间现实检查可以很容易地与试图推动一只手穿过另一只手相结合。或者,对于那些戴眼镜的人来说,测试您阅读文本的能力自然适合检查“不戴眼镜的完美视力”。


当您通读这些方法时,请记住不同的方法适用于不同的人。没有“最好的方法”,大多数方法可以用来每晚做 2-5 个清醒梦!你可以在一个晚上做几个清醒梦,但除非你记住它们,否则你不会知道它!



方法 概述 优点 缺点 最适合... 评级



  • 简单
  • 可以非常可靠,尤其是与其他技术一起使用时
  • 打乱睡眠周期

People who want to strengthen other techniques, or who wake up in the middle of the night anyway.





  • 简单
  • 不如其他一些技术(如 MILD)有效



(Mnemonic Induction of Lucid Dreams)

Fall asleep while focused on your intention to remember that you are dreaming.

  • 简单
  • 可能很无聊



(Wake-Initiation of Lucid Dreams)


  • 让你真正随意诱发清醒梦
  • 可能导致可怕的经历
  • 可能需要很长时间才能掌握



(Visual Induction of Lucid Dreams)

By repetitive visualisation, incubate a dream in which you do a reality check.

  • 也能让你随意诱发清醒梦
  • 对某些人来说效果非常好...
  • ...但对其他人来说不是很好
  • 可视化可以让你保持清醒



(Cycle Adjustment Technique)


  • 除了调整你的睡眠周期之外,需要相对较少的努力
  • 非常有效
  • 要求您在某些日子早起
  • 你每隔一天才有可能做一个清醒梦(though this could easily be more frequently than with other techniques)



* 论坛中常用的首字母缩略词是 DILD(Dream-Initiated Lucid Dream)和 WILD(Wake-Initiated Lucid Dream)。所有诱发 WILD 的技术都在本页的WILD下进行了描述。



WBTB 代表“Wake-Back-To-Bed”。

在睡 4 到 6 个小时后醒来,起床并在再次睡觉前保持几分钟到一个小时之间的任何时间。最好在这段时间做一些与清醒梦有关的事情(例如阅读有关清醒梦的书),但这不是必需的。这最好与其他技术结合使用;许多人通过 MILD/WBTB 组合获得了惊人的效果。WBTB 技术显着增加了您实现清醒梦的机会,如果您计划在 WBTB 之后睡一小时或更长时间,则结合使用 MILD(见下文)可提高成功率。但是,您可能需要充足的睡眠时间,因此您可能只能在周末使用它。




Threads about the WBTB technique at ld4all.com: The BIG WBTB topic



这项技术描述了如何使用自我暗示来做清醒梦。对于极易受到催眠或会冥想的人来说,它可能特别有效,但对于大多数人来说,MILD 可能会更有效。




评定为绿色。这项技术已在Stephen LaBerge的《Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming》中进行了详细说明。

MILD 代表“Mnemonic Induction of Lucid Dreams”,有时也代表“Mnemonically Induced Lucid Dream”。MILD 技术由 Stephen LaBerge 开发,并在他的《探索清醒梦的世界》一书中进行了全面描述。

使用 MILD 技巧,当你入睡时,你专注于记住的意图,以认识到你在做梦。在脑海中重复一句简短的口头禅,例如“下次我做梦时,我会记得我在做梦”。想想这意味着什么(即你想记住你在做梦——就像你去杂货店突然想起你需要面包一样),并想象你回到了你最近做过的梦中,但这一次你意识到你在做梦。例如,如果您最近梦到飞行,想象一下因为您正在飞行而意识到这是一个梦。不断重复和观想咒语,直到你确定你的意图已经在你的脑海里或你睡着了。如果你停止重复和想象咒语,那么仍然试着确保在入睡前你脑海中的最后一件事是你打算记住认识到你在做梦。

一般来说,可以在晚上第一次睡觉时实践 MILD 技术,或者在夜间从梦中醒来后实践。如果你在梦中醒来后实践 MILD 技巧,你应该先过一遍梦境,以确保你记住它。有些人发现在他们的梦记中记下一些关于他们梦的笔记很有帮助。



Threads about the MILD technique at ld4all.com: The BIG MILD topic I II | MILD at Midnight? | MILD Mantras
archive.org threads about the MILD technique from www.dreamviews.com (offline): Mnemonic Induction of Lucid Dreams (MILD) | Getting more help with MILD from your subconscious



WILD 代表“Wake-Initiated Lucid Dream”,或“Wake-Initiation of Lucid Dreams”,指的是任何涉及有意识入睡的技术。这些技术类似于自我催眠。有些人认为 WILD 不是真正的梦,而是星体投射。在该名称下提供了各种详细资源。

对于大多数人来说,他们在醒来后的清晨或午睡时更容易诱发,因为睡眠周期将持续一个快速眼动期。一旦您对诱导 WILD 有经验,您就可以尝试在其他时间诱导它们。

要发生 WILD,最好让您的身体完全放松。当你回到床上时,舒服地躺下。使你的身体紧张再放松,从你的肩膀开始向下,然后回到脸上。这(或类似的放松、冥想或恍惚技巧)应该让你的身体感到轻微的沉重和放松。

有许多不同的方法可以诱导 WILD,但它们都涉及同时尝试让大脑保持清醒,同时尝试让身体入睡。下面详细介绍一些技术。

如果您在使用这些技巧时注意自己的身体,那么您很可能会进入睡眠麻痹状态(通常发生在您已经入睡后),而不会失去对身体的意识。您会感到刺痛和嗡嗡声(这可能会令人不快)。这些感觉可能非常强烈,以至于您觉得自己会死(例如,您可能会感到窒息),但不要担心,这是完全安全的!事实上,这个过程在你每次睡觉时都会发生在你身上,只是你在这个过程中没有意识。有时你可以简单地等到你睡着后直接进入清醒的梦境。但是,如果您没有睡着,并且完全瘫痪(眼睛除外),请不要尝试移动。想象一下你的梦中之手(或者你喜欢叫它精神之手)抬起并离开你的物理之手。现在你应该有两个独立的身体,一个梦中的和一个真实的。只控制你梦中的身体——如果你控制了你的真实身体,你就会醒来。现在你可以试着从床上滚下来进入你的梦中世界(或者,你可以起身穿过镜子,或者沉到床里)。有一种可能性是,从您使用此技术发起的梦中醒来后,您可能仍然处于瘫痪状态。如果出现这种现象,可能会伴有幻觉。例如,you may wake up from a lucid dream that you started using one of the WILD techniques,您仍然会瘫痪,这是一种睡眠麻痹状态。

If you have the experience then you have been given an example of what your mind can do, even without your direction. 在这种现象被理解之前,由于睡眠麻痹也发生在清醒梦实验之外,它被赋予了普遍的负面看法,而这种体验是真正独特的(部分意识、无法移动和多感官幻觉),它通常与文化恐惧,噩梦和其他夜惊联系在一起,美国人称之为Old Hag,日本人称之为 kanashibari,韩国人称之为 kawi nullida(被一把剪刀压着),土耳其人称之为karabasan,在古法语中它被称为Cauquemare,后来变成了cauchemar这个词。在任何情况下,只要你对正在发生的事情进行合理化,你就应该因暂时失去肌肉控制而失去任何恐惧,并将任何幻觉置于情境中。


评定为绿色/黄色。DreamViews 论坛上的一些人有关于此的轶事。

使用脉轮(“第三只眼”)冥想是实现 WILD 的一种方法。基本上,一个人必须只专注于他的第三只眼和呼吸才能实现清醒梦。这是一项已有 5000 多年历史的技术,由 Shiva 传授给 Parvati。[1]引用他的话说:

With intangible breath in center of forehead, as this reaches heart at the moment of sleep, have direction over dreams and over death itself.[1]

Eyelid Patterns[编辑]

Rated yellow. There have been some anecdotes from at least one person of this technique working, although there is no scientific research proving it.

This has been found to be very effective in many cases. However, it may lead to strange after effects, such as up to 15 dreams in one night, but otherwise, nothing harmful. This technique is as follows: When you go to sleep, ensure the room is completely dark. Then, with eyes closed, try to focus on the little dots that should appear to be moving on your eyelids. You will find that you can change their color at will. Continue focusing on these dots; make them dance around and form patterns and change colors, and eventually you should enter a Lucid Dream. This may take a little practice, but is usually very effective for summoning Lucid Dreams at will. Works better in conjunction with WBTB and other techniques mentioned above, but is still extraordinarily effective on its own.

Hypnagogic Imagery[编辑]

Rated green. This technique has been successful with a large amount of people, in scientific research, and/or is part of a commercial book about lucid dreaming.

Stimulate your thinking patterns by constantly switching your attention. After doing this long enough, the images and sounds should begin to take a momentum on their own (this is called hypnagogic imagery), and may they get very strange and illogical. You should enter a dream at this point and quickly become lucid. Otherwise, you will eventually realize you have entered sleep paralysis consciously (see above). Because hypnagogic sleep paralysis involves full consciousness, dreaming can sometimes be frighteningly real. There is often a feeling of being flipped upside down, spun, or being tugged upon by an outside force. Hypnagogic hallucinations may also include strange auditory hallucinations, dark beings and flying. It is possible to observe waking reality while in a hypnagogic state, but this is limited to the sensations of your physical body. Most hypnagogic sleep paralysis states occur when sleeping face up. There is evidence that the tendency toward experiencing Hypnagogic sleep paralysis may be hereditary.


Rated green. This technique has been successful with a large amount of people, in scientific research, and/or is part of a commercial book about lucid dreaming.

Another technique is to count up to 100 in your head, optionally adding (for example) an “I'm dreaming” between each number. Alternatively, you can imagine stepping down stairs and reading each floor number, from 100 to 0. Try to make this image as vivid as possible — include not only what you see, but also what you hear, feel (touch the banister), and smell. At some point this image should continue into a dream or you will begin to get sleep paralysis as described above. It is easy to lose count, especially with counting up to 100 with an 'I'm dreaming' with each number. But stay focused: you are not going to sleep; your body is, and you must concentrate fully.

Sound Technique[编辑]

Rated yellow. There have been some anecdotes from at least one person of this technique working, although there is no scientific research proving it.

[Important advice regarding this, may be unsafe, just do one of the other methods instead. Some people have gained the hissing sound of Tinnitus permanently (throughout the day) using this method. See discussion page under Facts to know about Tinnitus]

This method is for people, who can hear the "tinnitus". The idea is pretty much the same as the other WILD methods, which is to remain conscious while entering the dream state. In order to use this method, you must sleep in a perfectly quiet place. You need to hear the inner buzzing sound inside your ears. Lay your body down and relax as much as possible while trying to hear the sound. If you are too tired, you will fall asleep too fast and it will be difficult to remain conscious - in this case you should combine it with WBTB. By time you realize that the buzzing sound will increase in intensity. This might frighten newcomers, but be assured - nothing bad is going to happen. No, you will not be deaf when you wake up, it’s perfectly safe! *It is just an effect caused by your brain is trying to change mode, from listening to the ambient sound, to listening to the sound of dreamland, which is not real sound but just electrical charge inputed to the part of the brain to create a sensation of hearing. By that time, you will enter the hypnagogic state. All you need to do is concentrate, do not be afraid or think of anything, just be still, and in time your dream body will float, separating from your physical body, and there you go, you arrive in the dreamworld.

Note: These sounds can be heard when you concentrate, even throughout the day - when you pay attention to them, but they shouldn't be heard much aloud if you are not in silence and concentrating on it - *as author said. The formula to hear it is quite simple: come into complete silence close your eyes and listen: is there only absolute silence or is there - something else? some...? do not create some sound just concentrate - :-) The best thing on this tech is - you can do it when you want.

Slight Physical Discomfort[编辑]

Rated yellow. There have been some anecdotes from at least one person of this technique working, although there is no scientific research proving it.

For the purpose of helping to retain your conscious awareness, slight physical discomfort is useful while performing any WILD technique. This prevents you from just drifting off to sleep. If you are lying down on your bed to do WILD and you are totally comfortable then your chances of going to sleep instead of remaining conscious are very high. The WILD technique relies on a form of deep trance induction, and many people who induce trances for other reasons rely on slight physical discomfort — for example the lotus position, or sitting in a hard-backed chair. Depending on your own preferences and your requirements of discomfort for success, you could choose from the following methods, arranged in ascending order of discomfort:

  1. Stacking pillows so that you can sit up in bed — the discomfort is caused by not being in a normal sleeping position.
  2. Lying down on a hard floor.
  3. Lifting your forearm vertically upwards, with the rest of your arm resting on the bed.
  4. Sitting in a hard chair.

Incubating Dreams[编辑]

Rated green. This technique has been successful in scientific research and/or is part of a commercial book about dreaming.

To incubate a dream about a specific topic, you should first think of a phrase that summarizes that topic (e.g., “I want to go to Atlantis.”). It may help to write the phrase down. If there is something you want to do in the dream, think of a phrase to summarize that too (e.g., “I want to watch Atlantis sink into the ocean.”). If you want to become lucid in the dream, then you should probably write something like “When I dream of [the topic], I will remember that I'm dreaming.” beneath your topic phrase. Immediately go to sleep and focus on your topic phrase. Visualize yourself dreaming about the topic and (if you want to become lucid) realizing that you are dreaming. If there is something specific you want to do in the dream, visualize yourself doing it once you become lucid (not very likely to work if you don't become lucid in the dream). Think about your phrase and topic (and intention to become lucid) as you fall asleep. Make sure that the last thing in your mind before falling asleep is your intention to (lucidly) dream about the topic you want to dream about. You might want to wake yourself up when the dream starts to fade so that you remember more of the dream; you can do this by ignoring your perception of the dream environment — the opposite of dream stabilization techniques (just make sure you do a reality check when you wake up to make sure you are really awake).

Chaining Dreams[编辑]

Rated green. This technique has been successful in scientific research and/or is part of a commercial book about dreaming.

Dream-chaining or “chaining dreams” is a method to re-enter your dream after you've woken up. It can work for lucid and non-lucid dreams, but you will probably want to enter your dream lucidly.

Once you wake up from a dream (if you don't think you were dreaming before you woke up, it may not work well) you should stay still and keep your eyes closed. Small movements are okay, but the less movement, sensory stimulation, and less time awake, the better. Ideally, it should feel less like you've woken up, and more like you've taken a 30 second break from dreaming. Once you are prepared to go back to sleep, close your eyes and either visualize yourself back in your dream, or use the “spinning technique” given in the next chapter to imagine yourself spinning back “into” your dream. Spinning is a little faster than visualization. Be sure to maintain the fact that you are dreaming (unless you don't want to be lucid), or you may lose your lucidity while falling asleep. Once in the dream, stimulate your senses as early as possible (see the next chapter).


Rated green/yellow. There have been anecdotes from several people of this working on the ld4all.com forums.

VILD stands for “Visual Induction of Lucid Dreams”, or sometimes, “Visually Incubated Lucid Dream”. This technique has been perfected by Peter Harrison, known as Pedro on the forums at ld4all.com. You may wish to read the main thread about the technique. The version described here has been adapted slightly.

First, make sure you are relaxed. You can use the relaxing technique mentioned in the description of the WILD technique. You can also imagine your brain emptying out and becoming sleepier. If you have a hard time falling asleep quickly, it should help to read a book (preferably about lucid dreaming) for a while before you go to sleep, until you feel very sleepy.

Now, you need to visualize a dream which you had prepared earlier. Here is an example of a prepared dream:

I am in a red room with one door. A friend next to me asks me to show them what a reality check is. I do my reality checks (which show that I am dreaming), tell them that I am dreaming, and head towards the door.

Make sure you know exactly what the dream would be like, such as which friend, the exact words they say, and which reality checks you do. Reality checks that require no props, such as books or clocks, are recommended. Visualize this dream slowly three times, to make sure that you know every detail. Then, start going full-on and visualize the dream over and over. You should visualize the dream as though you are looking through your own eyes, not from a third-person perspective. If you find your thoughts drifting, ignore them and continue to visualize the dream continuously. You will need patience for this — don't just give up if you think it won't work.

When you actually dream this, you will not notice the difference — until you do your reality checks! Continue with the dream as you incubated it (e.g., remember to thank your friend!) before continuing through the door.

I tried to visualize the dream until I fell asleep, but I just stayed awake. What went wrong?

If visualizing keeps you awake, the VILD technique is not the technique for you! You should use a different technique.

Threads about VILD at ld4all.com: I can LD at will!!!! I II III | VILD...Visually Incubated Lucid Dream
Topics about VILD at The Lucidity Institute: The VILD Technique
There is an appendix on VILD.


Rated yellow. There have been some anecdotes from at least one person of this technique working, although there is no scientific research proving it.

LILD stands for “Lucid Induction of Lucid Dreams”, or sometimes, “Lucidly Induced Lucid Dream”.

To use this technique, you need to have a lucid dream in the first place, but it can help you to get more later. The idea is to do something in your dream that will help you to become lucid the next time you are dreaming. For example, you could ask a dream character for help — ask them to meet you the next night and tell you that you are dreaming. If it works out the way it should, then the next time you are dreaming, the dream character will walk up to you and tell you that you are dreaming, and so you'll (hopefully) become lucid. There are many variations on this technique; you could set up signs in your dreamworld that remind you to do a reality check or eat lucid pills instead! This technique is not likely to be very effective, but it can work; it relies on the chance that you'll subconsciously induce the reminder (i.e., the dream character or sign or whatever you used) during some later dream, and become lucid because of it.

Note that LILD is best used in conjunction with dream-signs and auto-suggested non-lucid dreams. The basic idea as explained above is to have something in your dream that triggers the transition from normal dream state to lucid dreaming. To simply tell a character to tell you that you are dreaming the next time you fall asleep is usually not enough. There is no guarantee that you will dream about that character and there is no guarantee that your subconscious will believe the character enough to make you snap into lucidity (make you realize that you are in fact dreaming).

Now as this technique suggests, you must have some previous alternate means of having a lucid dream. Whatever technique you employ to get into this initial lucid dream state is not really important, but you should try to remember to use this technique (LILD) once you do get into a lucid dream state. Thinking of this before falling asleep (MILD) sometimes helps and usually takes many lucid dreams before finally remembering. Once you are in a lucid dream, make up a dream-sign. It can be anything. It can be an object. It can be food or a drink (that doesn't taste like anything). It is usually best to pick something that isn't quite right. Something that on the surface would appear normal in the real world, but that upon closer inspection is not quite right. Food or drinks are good as they can have no taste or not be refreshing in a dream. But try and pick something that you dream about a lot so that there is a better chance of you dreaming about this dream-sign later on. Now pick something else that only appears or happens in your lucid dream. It can be anything. If there is nothing in your current lucid dream, create something really strange. Something that could never be confused with the real world. Now mentally associate the dream-sign (food) with this unusual item or event that could never happen in the real world. But at the same time, this unusual item or event should equate to "lucid dreaming". When you see the unusual item, it should only make you think of when you have a lucid dream as this should be the only time you encountered it. So we have a 3 item associative link. Do all of the above while in a lucid dream.

The next time you dream about your dream-sign, your subconscious will think of the unusual item or event. The unusual item or event will make you think of lucid dreaming. The two combined impossibilities (1. dream-sign that cannot exist in the real world 2. item or event that only appears in lucid dreams) will make your unconscious try to make a decision on all this. This will make your conscious mind come to the surface and hopefully you will come to the conclusion that you are dreaming. Many times, you will not want to deal with it because you are too tired (that is why you are sleeping, no?) and fall back into a normal dream state. This is why it can take a few tries. Eventually, your subconscious will start putting clear signs in your dreams like billboards that spell out "YOU ARE DREAMING". But once it triggers, it is quite the realization that an instant before, you had no real control over your actions and now you can do whatever you want. Another note... if it failed, you will usually know why. So next time, you can choose another dream-sign or slightly different technique or something more shocking. Once you get this working once, it is relatively easy to use over and over as the hard part just described is over with. Sometimes disassociative techniques are needed if used too much.

To sum up, this technique is a way to force a reality check while in a normal dream state where your subconscious has no choice but to come to the conclusion that you are in fact dreaming. Once your mind knows that you are dreaming, there will be no other conclusion than your conscious mind taking over. And this is what lucid dreaming is all about.


Rated green/yellow. There have been anecdotes from many different people of this technique working.
  1. For one week, go to bed at the same time each night and get up 90 minutes earlier than you usually do. Spend those 90 minutes doing reality checks every 2–5 minutes.
  2. Thereafter, on alternate days: follow the routine from step one, and set the intention to do your reality check routine at its regular time, while getting a full night sleep. This will cause the reality check conditioning to kick in during REM prime-time.

For detailed information on the Cycle Adjustment Technique, see the appendix on CAT.

Tibetan methods[编辑]

Tibetan Buddhists practice what is known as Tibetan dream yoga. Probably the most time consuming way of inducing lucid dreams, it is also, according to the practitioners, the most rewarding. The basic practice is awareness. Awareness should be practiced while sleeping just as well as while being awake. Meditating on the question “who is aware?” might catapult you into a higher degree of awareness according to Buddhist beliefs. Keeping this level of awareness is another matter. The Tibetans have developed many yogic exercises and disciplines to be practiced. Maybe the most interesting difference between Tibetan dream yoga and modern western methods of lucid dream induction is the Tibetan claim of the possibility to be aware during deep sleep, not only in the REM periods of sleep. For the reader who is interested in these methods a good start is to begin to regard all experience as a dream. After all, from the countless multitude of matter and radiation reaching our senses the nervous system tunes in only to a small fraction of this chaos. For members of the phalanx that believes we, more or less, create our own reality in the above sense this practice should feel natural. In general though, it is recommended to gain instruction from a teacher in the flesh rather than from books (like this one!).

The Tibetan Methods are not "time consuming" if the goal is to go into deeper than Lucid states. From a Raja Yoga stand point, from a Daoist standpoint, and from a Tibetan Yoga standpoint the goal is not to "play" in Lucid Dreams, but to dispel the delusional nature of what we call "reality." Also, to heal and to develop super-learning, and to increase the "energy" you find most attractive: innovative, creative, joyous, blissful, love, power, wisdom, mirth. Are you Ambitious-Worldly or Ambitious-Spiritual? All these factors play into it.

These techniques are very easy to learn and are rooted in a deeper science than the WILD, VILD, LILD -- one that does not use auto-suggestion or forced recall. In conclusion, the Tibetan methods are advanced yogic techniques that only an accomplished practitioner can fully teach. If one does not have access to a Tibetan dream yogi, one should probably concentrate on techniques that are more mundane from a Western point of view.

Other techniques[编辑]

Rated red. There have been no anecdotes found of these techniques working.

Many of these are combinations of other techniques with some addition or modification.

  • Inducing dream-signs - You can become lucid by trying to induce specific dream-signs to watch for during your dream. You can use auto-suggestion (see above) to associate a specific dream-sign with doing a reality check, or you can just get used to doing a reality check whenever you encounter the dream-sign while awake. Some dream-signs you can use:
    • Thirst - Avoid drinking for very long. Wake up later in the night and put salt on your tongue or eat chili to make you even thirstier. Fill a glass of fresh cold water and take it with you back to bed. Hopefully, you'll dream of getting something to drink. Don't use this technique if you have trouble falling asleep while thirsty.
    • False Awakening - Set your intention as you fall asleep to wake up in the middle of the night. If you are a heavy sleeper, you'll hopefully dream of waking up in the middle of the night. If you are a light sleeper, you are probably more likely to really wake up.
    • Bladder - Drink large amounts of water before going to sleep. You should dream of having to go to the bathroom. You may wet your bed! This technique should be used carefully, to avoid the possibility of water intoxication.
  • Conditioning - Strictly punish or reward yourself after a dream where you failed to realize you were dreaming or when you do have a lucid dream. This could increase motivation but not necessarily cause lucid dreams in itself. Cognitive psychology, however, states that this punishment/reward system is very counterproductive, because it ties our self-esteem to the outcome of the endeavor. The opposite of this system would be to see each attempt, including those that fail, as another step towards success.
  • Muscle Exhaustion - Lift slight weights with one's arms and legs for about fifteen minutes before one begins to fall asleep. One should not, however, lift anything that strains the muscles too much, for that stimulates the sympathetic nervous system and excites the body. The method should cause a release of tension in the muscles and tire them out. This combined with relaxation techniques and any of the -ILD's should produce a positive result.

Other methods[编辑]

Food and drink[编辑]

There are various foods and drinks that you can consume which seem to have some effect on sleeping and dreaming. Note that for most of these there is no explanation or scientific study of how they work, and some may simply be placebos.

Don't go overboard with the consumption of any of these, as overdosing could have nasty effects (well, milk should be safe unless you are allergic). Don't experiment without accumulating enough knowledge first. The authors in no way encourage the use of legal or illegal drugs.

  • The amino acid tryptophan, which can be found in warm milk amongst other sources, is a precursor for the hormone serotonin, and has been proven to help you fall asleep.
  • Vitamin B6 and others of the B group are important for neuronal functions.
  • Melatonin is a hormone with neuronal effects. It is produced by the pineal gland in darkness and is suppressed by blue light. Wearing blue-blocking sunglasses or avoiding bright light in general the hours before bedtime maximizes night-time melatonin secretion.
  • 5-HTP or L-5-HTP is a supplement that is related to serotonin, which some claim has induced lucid dreaming on approximately half the nights it is taken.
  • Caffeine is useful in WILD techniques, as it helps the mind stay focused and think vividly. Please notice that caffeine is an addictive substance and may have negative effects on your health.
  • An Amino Acid Blend made up of 2000mg L-aspartic acid, 4000mg L-glutamine, and 300mg L-theanine can substantially increase your odds of having a Lucid Dream.
  • Galantamine - acetylcholinesterase inhibitors extract from plants such as Lycoris radiata (Red Spider Lily) or from chemical synthesis. Works best when taken together with choline and/or alpha-GPC.

Some people who practice Lucid dream (LD) or Out of body experience (OBE) use Galantamine to increase their odds to achieve LD or OBE. By taking small amount of Galantamine (around 4 to 8 mg) after 5 to 6 hours of deep sleep and practice the induction technique such as meditation, MILD or WILD many people report more success with Galantamine.

There also report that taking Galantamine without proper induction technique will not lead to LD or OBE but will result in only a vivid dream instead. It should also be noted that due to a long half life Galantamine will stay in the body for a period of up to and over 48 hours, as such it is advisable to space out the use of Galantamine over a period of three days so that the body does not build a resistance to the drug ruining its effectiveness.

Some people report mixing Galantamine with other Nootropic can enhance the degree of lucidity but this is still controversial since some mixtures may work for some people, but lead to failure for others.


For an in-depth guide to using supplements for lucid dreaming, see the book Advanced Lucid Dreaming - The Power of Supplements.


Dissociatives and hallucinogens can be used to create a (more or less) lucid dream-like state, though whether or not these help with lucid dreaming is debatable. The authors do not recommend use of these substances for induction of lucid dreams, nor do they condone the breaking of any applicable laws.

Some dissociatives and hallucinogens are:

For more info, see Erowid Vaults


There are various gadgets you can use to become lucid easily. They generally detect when you are in the REM state and then provide a light and/or sound signal. This signal is supposed to be adjusted so that it doesn't wake you up but does enter your dream. The signal is then recognized as showing that you are dreaming, and you become lucid.

The most well-known device is the NovaDreamer from the Lucidity Institute. However, this product is no longer produced. Be sure to check for recommendations for devices from lucid dreaming forums.

A similar device is the DreamMaker. The DreamMaker works very similarly to the NovaDreamer but without the Dream Alarm feature, which worked to wake the dreamer in the middle of the REM state. This device comes with a mask, a circuit board with adjustable controls, the batteries needed to operate it, a short owner's manual, a lucid dreaming workbook, and the Stephen LaBerge book Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming. The circuit board is supplied completely ready to use, but you have to insert the batteries and put the circuit board into the mask yourself.

An alternative is the Kvasar. The Kvasar costs about $20 in raw materials, but needs to be constructed by somebody skilled in electronics as it is not sold commercially. It can also be hard to operate.

Another do-it-yourself alternative to commercial dreaming masks is Nate True's Lucid Dream Mask, which does not bother with difficult-to-calibrate sensors and just uses a timer for flashing lights, and has (ostensibly) competitive results with all of the former gadgets.

The owners of Wellness Tools, who makes the DreamMaker, and Kvasar have not had friendly relations; see DreamViews.com.


There are many programs for your computer that can assist with lucid dreaming. These can give out verbal cues while you sleep, or assist in doing your reality checks:

  • iLucid Dream for the iPhone. Dream journal, reality checks, induction techniques, binaural beats for deep sleep and much more!
  • Lightened Dream is available for Windows as freeware. It can be used as a dream journal and a dream-sign list. One of its more notable features is that you can have it play a voice or song each time you enter a REM sleep period.
  • DreamDoze A web application for Social Dream interpretation and dreams journal management
  • Gnaural is a multi-platform programmable binaural-beat generator. Gnaural is released as free software under the GNU General Public License. (For a browser based demo, see Gnaural Java))
  • SBaGen is available for Windows, MacOS X, and Linux. It works by playing binaural beats into your ears, changing your brainstate.
  • Neuro-Programmer is available for Windows. This is powerful software that creates binaural beats and can work in conjunction with special goggles to induce certain mental states.
  • LucidWeaver is available for mobile phones and PDA that support Java (J2ME). It includes a Dream alarm with sound cue which can be adjusted to a personal REM-sleep cycle for improving dream recall and lucidity training. Randomized reality tests can be set and it can be used as regular alarm clock.
  • Lucille 2.0 is an application to assist with doing reality checks.
  • Unexplainable Store Lucid Dreaming Brainwave Entrainment MP3
  • Sleep Check Reminder for Android.
  • iLucid for iOS (iPod, iPhone, iPad).
  • Sleep As Android is an Android sleep tracking app. It has a feature where it can play a sound file (by default, a soft voice that says "You're dreaming..." and echoes out) when it detects that the user is in a deep sleep.

There is also a list of programs available at LD4all.com, under the “How” section.


The techniques commonly referred to as hypnosis is based in a set of hypnotic suggestions are commonly composed of a series of instructions and ideas that may be delivered by a hypnotist in the presence of the subject, or they may be self-administered ("self-suggestion" or "autosuggestion"), even in a conscious state.

Hypnosis is not a science. In fact, it has in almost every aspect eluded scientific analysis, as it is extremely hard to generalize (each individual responds differently and at different levels) and the methodology is so diverse and based on yet to be completely understood mental/biological phenomena, most related with faith or the placebo effect. For the phenomena to work, whom in aggregate we define as hypnosis, the mind has to be able to turn the suggestions into reality. All hypnosis is ultimately self hypnosis. If you, for instance, take into consideration the problems that faith beliefs have caused to the human race, or even the problems in the field of psychology, you can appreciate the problem of scientifically studying hypnotic phenomena, as they are extremely open to individual interpretation and to one's ability to be open to suggestibility (self-induced or otherwise).

The Wikibook's work on Hypnosis will covers the subject in greater detail. It will also offer support material, or reference it, such as methods to induce, or reinforce specific mental states (or states of mind) and any attitudes and beliefs that impact the phenomena. Including information on techniques or procedures for hypnotic induction and hypnotic suggestion.



  1. 1.0 1.1 112 Meditations from Shiva to Parvati. Internet Archive. Accessed on 2009-09-18.
  2. 5000 year old WILD technique. Very easy, and very effective. DreamViews forums. Accessed 2009-09-18.
